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Acronyms used in this guide:

  • CITES: Convention on International Trade in  Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

  • CFE: Community forest enterprise

  • CMF: Community managed forest

  • CoC: Chain of custody

  • EPD: Environmental Product Declaration

  • EPF: European Panel Federation

  • FSC: Forest Stewardship Council

  • GHG: Greenhouse Gas

  • HPD: Health Product Declaration

  • IUCN: Int’l Union for Conservation of Nature

  • LCA: Life cycle assessment

  • LLP: Long-life wood product

  • NGO: Non-governmental organization


  • PEFC: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification

  • REDD+: Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

  • RFP: Request for Proposals

  • SFI: Sustainable Forestry Initiative

  • SME: Small and medium-sized enterprise

  • SW4C: Sustainable Wood for Cities

  • VPA: Voluntary Partnership Agreement

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